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Assassins Creed: BLACKFLAG.
Recon Gaming score: 9.7

Assassins Creed: Black Flag. The 5th game since 1191AD in the first game which opened up a world of oportunities for the franchise. This new AC is filled with the same old stuff from the other games but with more polish and improvement. Of course AC: Blackflag features a more diverse open world experience. One of our favourite experiences in this game was the naval combat, as you dived onto a flaming ship from a rope is what makes up the experience in this game that makes you feel awesome when you kill that enemy in a certain way of when you defeat a ship that is twenty levels higher than you. So thats the naval combat, but what about the ground combat? This I think personally is a bit rusty, even though it makes you feel like the best fighter ever when you get those sword dashes and swipes timed perfectly, it is just to easy. 'O' to dodge 'SQUARE' to attack 'ROLL' This way. Then you have the assassination missions. These (at a certain point in the story when you get bezerker darts) are to easy. You either get out your flint-lock and shoot them or you bezerker-dart them and they kill your target for you. There easy and fun if your trying to make a quick buck though. There are many other things in this game but thats all i'll sum up for you now and move onto the other reviews before you hate me for making this the only good review.

ReconGaming score: 10



GTA V features a diverse experience from cities to outback, posh houses to caravan parks, science labs to meth labs. It's an exellent game and if you havn't got it then we 'DEFINENTLY' recommend it, who says current gen isn't good? The combat in GTA IV had the standard punch and kick combo's which, to be honest, made us think that Niko was a 24/7 drunk when hitting people. In GTA V they have made it something that makes you want to get into a bar fight as soon as possible, when you enter hand to hand combat mode you can use three buttons to fight: O ( 'B' on x-box) to dodge, square ( 'X' on x-box) to hit with your hands, and X ( 'A' on x-box) to kick. You no longer feel like a drunk and it looks awsome! Then it comes to the shooting which plays pretty much the same but has a hyper-active targeting system, which at times is the most frustrating thing in the world, but this can luckily be changed in the options (go to the in-game pause menu). The running in the game, again, is the same, and although it says (in the game) that if you run to much your stamina bar will deplete and when thats empty you start to lose chunks of life. But when we looked we weren't able to find a stamina bar, and after running for five miles through the desert (when doing the epsilon missions) we didn't lose an ounce of life (if you don't include the cougar we incountered). GTA V also features the biggest map in any GTA game, which is full of multipul activities, which half of you get bored of immedietly, and so many side missions... so many. Then when you 100% the game you still have fun with friend hang outs and cheats (go to the home page tab to check out our cheat board) which add a lot of fun to the game. But the thing we injoyed most about the game was SOMEONE wasn't calling us every few minutes asking us if we wanted to go bowling!!




ReconGaming score: 7.7

Call Of Duty: Ghosts

The start of COD: Ghosts puts you in a vision of a United States homeland that's broken but not beaten, not quite Red Dawn, but not Fallout either. Its mood is heightened by missions set in a besieged Santa Monica and the wasted remains of San Diego... But. Ultimately, time on the poignant homefront is short lived as the story goes behind enemy lines in Caracas, the Andes mountains, and other exotic locales. Those might lack to familiarity, but the variety of environments keeps the campaign fresh, not only in terms of visuals, but in gameplay as well. Instead of just fighting waves of enemies through a linear stage at ground level, you’ll find yourself rappelling down skyscrapers, flying helicopters, having firefights in space, commanding tanks, scuba diving through shipwrecks, playing as a dog, and evading shark attacks. The combat plays like any old COD game but with a twist of Killzone to the running and jumping mechanics, although in the case of the space and water missions they have special consideration for verticality and physics. Unfortunately if you've played the Modern Warfare series (which we think was good no matter what you say) then it's just a blast from the past logo across the whole game with a few modifacations and better graphics.

Beyond: Two Souls

This I think is one of the better interactive games like; HEAVY RAIN and THE WALKING DEAD, which you should also check out. This is a story of a girl who is thought to be mentally disturbed (with un-explained (to doctors and people) supernatrul events happening around her), although in fact she is linked to a soul named aiden who is linked to her body by some sort of chain connection. Aiden can use telepathic powers to push or shove or just in general control everything that he can see with his mind/ soul mind thingy-ma-bob. So Josie (the main character) is thrown into a mental experement facility with daddy dafoe. The combat in this game involves using aiden to push or use objects to hurl at the incoming enemy's. This game can be a bit clunky and boring here and there but still has enough emotional and compelling storyline behind it to keep you going (even on those frustrating 20 minute segments of looking for a specific, un-highlighted, hidden object). The storyline (as I will keep mentioning) is AMAZING, it's so emotional and downright good looking that its amazing!... I nearly cried on a few occasions. It's right up there on the best told stories through video games with THE LAST OF US and HEAVY RAIN.

ReconGaming score: 9.1
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